The next New Year holidays have passed and I am opening a new page on my blog.
In this article I will tell you how to make horns for a carnival costume of a bee and tell in detail how to make a bubo from threads.
We will redo the usual Chinese horns so that they become beautiful and not like their “counterparts” from the market. To do this, we need trimmings of tulle of a suitable color, threads for knitting and cardboard.
I bought a regular bezel with feathers and balls on wire antennas and decided to make thread buboes and decorate my purchased horns.
How to make a bubo from threads I will tell and show below.
We need to make two blanks of a circle from thick cardboard. Cut circles inside. The outer radius minus the inner radius will be the size of our bubo. Then you need to wind the threads on a ball of such a diameter so that it crawls into the inner circle of the cardboard. We start wrapping the cardboard in a circle around the threads, we do not regret the threads, the more they are wound, the more magnificent the bubo will be. You can use threads of different colors, and even New Year’s tinsel with rain. The photo shows how this all happens:
The next step – you need to take a needle for tapestries (with a blunt tip and a wide eye) and a thread of the same color as the bubo itself, and stitch it in a circle with it. The pictures show how this is done:
The last step is to cut the threads between the cartons. This is best done with small scissors:
Then we remove our cardboard blanks and get a sheaf of threads tied with the same thread. Here you need accuracy. The next – we knot it, but do not tighten it to the end.
These thread knobs need to be worn on the balls of our horns. Now is the time to tighten everything tight and tie it on a tight knot. The last step is to trim our buboes exactly like balls. And you’re done:
Now you need to glue pieces of tulle in the depth of the feathers to the glue guns. This should be done carefully so as not to cover the feathers with glue. Here are our horns fully prepared:
As can be seen in the photo at the top, the bee’s carnival costume consists of head horns, sweaters and skirts, wings and gloves. How to make wings I told here. How to make the rest of the carnival costume I will tell later.