This article will be fully devoted to fabric flowers. I like to make flowers from fabric and then wear them in the form of accessories for various dresses. It is a prerequisite – to walk these lovely “crafts” on the street. Make flowers with your own hands, which can be more interesting and exciting for a creative person. When I sew my daughter another suit or elegant dress, I try to decorate them with my own handmade fabric flowers.
Almost always after the product is ready, there are many scraps of fabric or the remains of ribbons and braid. This is the best material for fabric flowers. I do not have buns and all kinds of tools for making flowers, and so far I am not attracted to engage in “gelatin” flowers; Why … there are so many of them on sale in any furniture department. I make flowers from improvised means and in various other techniques; they are flat, voluminous, airy in my eyes and in general the way my imagination created them and allowed the material from which I make them.
I have a rule that I mainly try to adhere to – so that the children’s ensemble (whether it be a dress or a jacket with trousers) looks harmonious and not too sugary, I try to use the main ones no more than 3 fabric textures (product fabric and two plus) – this in general, and by no means an axiom. Sometimes I step back from this rule, and you can do as you please.
Fabric flowers are an integral part of many dresses that I sew for my daughter. I make them in different techniques, sometimes even from very small scraps and tiny pieces. I mainly make flowers from the fabric of the product I sew. But sometimes, I crochet flowers. They also go as part of the outfit. Once I “cheered” a dark denim jacket with twenty flowers crocheted in different techniques. And a huge white napkin was safely “planted” on the back.
Who said that black is depressing … no one would have thought of this with our “merry” jacket. Sometimes I make flowers from ribbons, embroider knitted things with ribbons. Sometimes I make flowers in free-wheeling technique on a sewing machine. Sometimes I embroider flowers on an embroidery machine, sometimes an image needs flowers with a 3D effect.
Stop writing, it’s time to show. I invite readers to my greenhouse and tell you how to make flowers from fabric. About the most beloved and original I will tell you in more detail or give a link how they are made.

A flower made of fabric is made of curtain non-shiny organza; the edge is finished with a satin oblique trim. The bottom is gathered on a thread with small basting stitches and pulled together, then the end is fixed. The thread for assembly should be taken as much as possible to match the product so that it is practically invisible.

The flower is made of natural fur – sheepskin. Cut according to the pattern and trimmed inside. The fur is cut in the form of petals and a middle. In the center there is a slit-loop so that you can pass through the button. We sew a lot of buttons, we fasten our glade of flowers on them and you’re done.

When you need to wash the product, and natural fur does not like water, then we unfasten it and everything is OK!

Fabric flower – daisy. I had leftovers – from some hairpin of a camomile without a middle. It was just a blank of daisies with a hole in the center. I took the yarn grass and sewn, laying it in a spiral. Sewed with a regular needle and thread matching yarn. You need to start from a large circle, gradually moving towards the center.

I needed to make accessories for the dress and decorate shoes for the holiday. Daisies were successfully sewn on Czechs and on the belt, thereby decorating them and complementing the image I needed. About the Camomile dress itself, I wrote in details.

Fabric flowers – green cotton. They were sewn as accessories for a kids holiday dress with green flowers. We also successfully sewed these flowers on the Czechs (on the same as the previous daisies :)) The flowers are made like this: on fabric folded in two, 10 petals must be drawn according to the pattern. Then sew along the marked lines and then cut the petals from the fabric with 2-3 mm allowances. Provided that the fabric is not loose, if on the contrary, you need to process the edge. If this is not done, then when the eversion is reversed, the edge may crumble and a hole is formed.

We cut out, fix the ends of the threads and twist. No need to iron. We stuff the obtained petals with a synthetic winterizer (a little and not tight) and sew 5 in a ring with basting stitches with threads in the tone of the fabric. Strongly tighten and fix. we arrange the middle with beads and different ribbons. I have beads, glass beads and grass yarn.

A flower from a strip of fabric – chrysanthemum. We take a strip of fabric or tape, mark equal marks on it, for example, 8 cm each, and grab our marked spots with a needle and thread to match the fabric, periodically changing the direction of “capture”. This is necessary so that the flower does not turn out one-sided. We do this until you are satisfied with the splendor and density of the flower or until our ribbon ends :))

Organza fabric flower. A strip of fabric is tailored obliquely. At first it is narrow, then it expands as much as possible, by the end of the strip again narrowed. To make the flower as chubby as possible, I put stripes of tulle, similar in color to organza, in a strip.

Then the strip is twisted and sewn up. The edge of the border is very loose and prickly, so I hid it under a cotton slanting trim.
To be continued, there are a lot of flowers, and as you know, there is always not enough time to describe everything flowers will still be in the greenhouse :))
I can still list in the end where and how I apply my little crafts. They come as accessories for holiday costumes, as a decoration and complement to the intended image. The most important and frequent thing for me is decorating shoes for the holidays (there are few shoes, but there are a lot of holidays :)), another decoration on my head, sometimes I attach flowers to hoops or ribbons, an ornament on my neck, I put a flower on a ribbon and it’s “fat” , the main thing in this case is that the flower is not prickly. The children’s neck is very tender and prickly and tickling the flower will not last long there.
You can still make hair clips. How to make hairpins: the easiest and fastest way is to take and glue a flower made by yourself with glue guns to the preparation of the hairpin (a simple clip or crab that matches the color of the flower) or an elastic band.
I also make bracelets from flowers and beads and much more.